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June 9, 2003
Chichester Conservation Commission
06/09/03 Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Gordon Jones, Gwen Adams, Deb Soule, Jeff Andrews, Bob Mann, Stan Brehm, Walter Sanborn  

Minutes from the 05/12/03 meeting were read and approved.

Gloria Andrews presented the Citizen Voice Project to the commission.

Mr. Hussey requested information on the various types of conservation easements since he may be interested in having one on his 70 acre property.

Trevor Towne of W.G. Howard Inc. presented a minimum expedited application for Ron and Marcia Luba’s property at the corner of Granny Howe and Main Street. The plan showed a proposed driveway from Main Street crossing the wetland area to a proposed house site. The driveway appeared to cross more than 60’ of wetland as delineated by a soil scientist. Also the proposed driveway appeared to impact a bog/marsh area which has standing water for at least 2 months of the year. Given these reasons, the commission voted 7-0 to not certify the application for minimum expedited permit and to not waive the Commission’s right to intervene under RSA 482-A:11. A letter would be drafted and sent to the Wetlands Bureau to that effect.

The mail received since the last meeting was reviewed. Linda Rauter submitted an inspirational article on efforts in Nelson to conserve land. Two items were received from the Wetlands Bureau – a bureau decision report and a copy of a letter to Edward and Barbara Ferman requesting additional information. Confirmation of payment and membership in the NH Association of Conservation Commissions was also received.

Officer elections were held. Bob and Jeff were unanimously voted chair and vice-chair respectively (7-0 each). Gwen and Deb were nominated for secretary. Deb was elected 4-3.

Jeff discussed the newest NRI maps. The commission has 2 weeks to make any changes to the latest set of maps since SPNHF must wrap up the analysis and start writing the report in time for the meeting in September. A work group meeting on the NRI will be held at 7:00 on June 23rd – most likely in the Grange Hall if available.

The BCEP household hazardous  waste collection day is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 7, 2003 at the transfer station in Pittsfield.  The next meeting is on Thursday, June 12th at 7:00 at the transfer station. Bob and Deb will attend. Various efforts to publicize the event were discussed.  Jeff, Gwen, Bob, and Linda Rauter volunteered to help pass out educational material and a brochure on the collection day at the transfer station on one of the 4 Saturdays preceding the event.

The group discussed having a booth at the Old Home Day to display the NRI maps and information on the upcoming collection day. Gwen volunteered to lead the effort and Jeff, Stan, and Linda Rauter offered to assist and/or man the booth.

Last year, the CCC developed a list of goals for the following year. The three top goals were to complete the NRI, get a collection day, and work on the goals for the Sanborn-Cray easement. Two of the three items will be finished this fall. Bob suggested we develop another set of major goals for the upcoming year. Jeff will distribute last year’s list as a starting point for future discussion at the next CCC regular meeting on July 14th.

Jeff distributed the management plan for the Sanborn-Cray Conservation Area and discussed the major goals of the project. A subcommittee (composed of Jeff (lead), Bob, Gwen, and Walter) was developed to further work on this.

The Main Street Intersection project was discussed.

Deb described the recently revived Soucook River monitoring efforts. She distributed a map of the sites to be sampled by volunteers along the river. Training on how to conduct the sampling will be provided at NHDES at 3:00 on June 12th. Sampling is expected to begin this weekend and continue biweekly to monthly through to Labor Day.

Walter attended the Master Plan Committee meeting last week.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.